Tuesday, 5 February 2008

Ah...the sweet smell of dispute.

oh deary me, i have had a few real corky days. I shouldn't have gone to the small gathering this weekend, that is true. But then again it wasn't my fault that i missed my mums actual birthday in the first place (yes, i know im a bad person), then i decide to change my national youth theatre piece which got me in trouble with my drama teacher (WELL I'M SORRY, I THOUGHT IT WAS MY CHOICE IN THE FIRST PLACE!) and now im getting stick from the people here for arguing with a teacher (which is what they do on a daily basis anyway) bloody hell half term is going to be amazing next week...not to mention this weekend, if all works out correctly i should be going over to a freinds house for a little gathering, which should be fun. But then there is the complication, who shall remain nameless for now incase she finds this, who might make this weekends fun abit hard...but oh well, i will have to see how things run their course. after this week only 2 half terms til freedom!