Monday, 14 January 2008


Now im sure this is something everyone suffers from, the holidays over, the clouds go grey but there is no snow, and everyone returns to there routines. PCD is what i call it: 'post christmas depression' (god, arn't i original) and its really getting to me here.

It shouldn't be though, i have had an amazing christmas and a properly fun new year (all-be-it a turbulent one) plus i just recived the best news of the year...

I have a place at College for next year, (yup that plan i told you about worked) how fucking magic is that?

But alas, i still have a term and a half to go, and its moving by so slowly that i feel 'off'ing myself isn't such a bad idea.

But i'm not going to do that, to many complications it's not even worth thinking about. so instead i sit ere in my tiny matchbox of a room with my ipod for company counting down the days til it's all over.

This could take a while....